STZY was founded and currently operates in San Antonio, Texas. Our mission is the commitment to helping others. Our team started up with people who share a deep, genuine respect for the effort, dedication and hunger required for student athletes in need and their personal commitment to bettering themselves. We wanted to create a company revolved around truly aiding student athletes in need while supplying the highest quality materials you’ve experienced in a sock.
Over the past year, STZY has functioned as a Certified B Corp Pending through achieving higher standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. As we continue to grow as a company, we are determined to drive a global movement by using STZY as a force good. To that end, the STZY Foundation will be born in conjunction with the upcoming V3 launch later this year. The STZY Foundation will serve as a non-profit committed to positively impacting the lives of student athletes in need all over the world one step at a time, and to help them Keep. Pushing. Forward.
A dream is your dream and no one else’s. You must own it and Keep Pushing Forward to achieve it. At STZY, our mission is to impact the lives of young athletes in need all over the world. To help them reach their dreams, goals, and aspirations. Your dream belongs to you and you have to Keep Pushing Forward. At STZY our goal is to help you to achieve it. We Believe in YOU, each and every young athlete out there striving for something greater than themselves and are working hard grinding each day to perfect their craft. We believe in you, we are proud of you and we want you to know that we are here for you. So, when you think about your dream and if you ever have any doubt about whether you can achieve your dream, we want you to know to always remember KEEP. PUSHING. FORWARD.
Our future is our youth. Our mission is to positively impact the lives of student athletes in need all over the world one step at a time, and to help them Keep. Pushing. Forward. Participation in youth sports develops important character traits and lifelong values in young people which can create a positive impact in their lives. We are committed to helping and aiding students that need our help reach their athletic aspirations. Each month we donate/sponsor a new school, student, or program all over the world.
If you are seeking our aid or assistance, email us your story! We want to help you reach your goals, and not let finances get in the way of that. There are no requirements or pre-requisites to qualify for our scholarships. Maybe you’re in junior high and you can’t afford football camp. Maybe you’re a high school and your soccer team needs socks for the whole squad. Or maybe you’re an injured athlete that needs financial support for surgery to get back out there and continue chasing your dreams. You get the idea, We don’t care what it is. We’re here to support our student athletes get through financial hurdles and help them to Keep. Pushing. Forward.
If you have any questions regarding our philanthropy program, please feel free to call, text, email, or live chat with us. We will answer any questions or concerns you may have.
It’s quite simple actually. We were tired of having our socks fall apart, slip off our feet, cause sweating, not enough cushion, too thin, not the correct support, the list goes on. Plain and simple, most socks just wouldn’t make the cut. There was a huge issue we saw in the engineering side of the sock development process. So, we decided to develop a brand that takes your foots experience to a whole new level.

It’s quite simple actually. We were tired of having our socks fall apart, slip off our feet, cause sweating, not enough cushion, too thin, not the correct support, the list goes on. Plain and simple, most socks just wouldn’t make the cut. There was a huge issue we saw in the engineering side of the sock development process. So, we decided to develop a brand that takes your foots experience to a whole new level.